Deliverables – Specifications & Deadlines
The information presented here is subject to change.
Final guidelines and deadlines will be as published in the Industry Symposia Manual
you will receive approximately 3 months prior to the event.
Dear Supporter,
This page contains specifications and guidelines for various deliverables and is designed to assist you in preparing for the event.
Due to accreditation criteria for this conference, which is CME certified, the following rules must apply:
- AD/PD™ logo should NOT be used in any promotional materials created by the supporter.
- Materials created by companies should NOT utilize the main event marketing look and feel.
- When promoting your symposium, please always indicate on any of your promotional materials: This session is not included in the main event CME/CPD credit
- When promoting your symposium, you are allowed to use the phrase: Official symposium of the International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases 2024
- When creating adverts for mobile app, program book and mailshots it is allowed to promote product, symposia or company promotion. When promoting symposia, please always indicate the following text inside: This session is not included in main event CME/CPD credit
- When creating adverts for External and Internal lobby flags in the virtual platform it is allowed to promote symposia or company promotion. When promoting symposia, please always indicate the following text inside: This session is not included in main event CME/CPD credit
Kindly refer only to the relevant items in accordance with your sponsorship agreement.
If you have already finalized the speakers who will give a talk in your symposium, please share with us their details as soon as possible. Kindly submit the speakers’ names by Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Please specify country and email address for each speaker.
Please submit the final symposium program using the attached Agenda format via email to the Industry Coordinator Diyana Yosifova at: as early as possible and no later than Tuesday, January 23, 2024.
Please note that the content, faculty, and program of the symposium is subject to the review and approval by the Organizers as done for the previous AD/PD™ Conferences.
AD/PD™ one speaker lecture policy with regards Industry speakers: A speaker may now present one talk in a Scientific CME accredited session and one talk in an Industry session; however, he/she is limited to speak in one industry session only. In other words, the same speaker is not allowed to speak in two different industry sponsored sessions, so it is important to check that your speakers have not already accepted to talk in any other industry session when inviting them for your session.
Please ensure your speakers are aware of above policy before accepting to talk in your symposium.
The proposed program should include:
- Session Title (up to 110 characters including spaces)
- Session Description (up to 200 words. Hyperlinks can be included).
- Speaker Presentations Titles
- Timing – duration of each speaker presentation and full timing of the agenda
- Speaker/Moderator Full Name
- Speaker/ Moderator Country
- Speaker/ Moderator E-mail
- Speaker/ Moderator Affiliation (optional)
- Speaker/ Moderator Bio and Photo (please see specs below)
Please see below specs for Speaker Bio and Photo.
- Speaker Bio – up to 200 words.
- Speaker Photo – 180×240 px, JPG Format
In case of changes to your symposium title, speakers and/or program after submission, please contact the Industry Coordinator Diyana Yosifova at
Deadline: Friday, January 26
File format: PNG or JPG (up to 800 kb)
Size: 780 x 1688 px
Kindly submit the file to the Industry Coordinator Diyana Yosifova at
We recommend avoiding using small text, so the advert can be readable when displayed on a mobile screen.
Deadline: Friday, February 9
Click here for the design requirements. Please make sure to forward these guidelines to your web-designer/programmer. Please upload the HTML version of your mailshot and other relevant files together in zip folder and send us everything with the subject line to the Industry Coordinator Diyana Yosifova at
Important notes:
- In case the webmail is promoting a sponsored symposium, please include the following disclaimer:
This session is not included in main event CME/CPD credits. - It is not allowed to use the AD/PD™ logo. The conference banner will be added to the webmail’s header by Kenes.
- The “From” field will be “AD/PD™ 2024 Supporters”
- The exact launch date will be determined by Kenes in due course. The E-mail Blast will be sent out to the pre-registered delegates who have agreed to receive promotional material from supporters.
- Content received after the deadline may be processed for an additional fee of EUR 500.
Deadline: Friday, February 9
Please prepare 2 files according to the following specifications:
- Format: JPEG
- Dimension: 300X250
- Width: 300 pixels
- Height: 250 pixels
A5 PDF (this file will be linked to the banner/image)
- Format: PDF
- A5 size
Please send these two files to the Industry Coordinator Diyana Yosifova at
Important notes:
- When clicking on the Banner/Image, the PDF/A5 file will be displayed. For the Banner/Image, we recommend avoiding using small text.
- In case webmail is promoting a sponsored session, please include the following disclaimer:
This session is not included in main event CME/CPD credit - It is not allowed to use AD/PD™ logo. The official conference banner will be added to the webmail’s header by Kenes.
- The “From” field will be “AD/PD™ 2024 Supporters”.
- The exact launch date will be determined by Kenes closer to the event. The E-mail Blast will be sent out to the preregistered delegates who have agreed to receive promotional material from supporters.
- Content received after the deadline may be processed for an additional fee of EUR 500.
Deadline: Friday, February 9
- Message Title – Maximum 40 characters including spaces
- Message Body – Maximum 140 characters including spaces
Kindly submit the text to the Industry Coordinator Diyana Yosifova at
- Please make sure to indicate company name either on the title or in the message body.
- Please specify your preferred date and time (local time) when submitting the text.
We will do our best to accommodate this request. The final schedule of the push will be determined closer to the event, considering the overall push notifications schedule of the event. - Push notifications will be sent out during official breaks only in order not to disturb the participants who are inside session halls when sessions are taking place.
The updated programme timetable including list of breaks can be found on the event website under “Scientific Program” page. - Content is subject to the approval of AD/PD™.
- Kindly note: Push notifications look different across various browsers, device types, and operating systems.
Deadline: Friday, January 26
- PDF format, Press quality, CMYK only, Fonts and images embedded.
- Mini program print specs available here.
- Please be sure to leave an extra 3mm of your artwork around the edge (bleed) to allow more leeway when the printer trims the pages.
Kindly submit the file to the Industry Coordinator Diyana Yosifova at
Bag inserts are to be printed and delivered by the supporter.
Should you be entitled to a bag insert as per your contract, please follow the below procedure:
- Please submit the final artwork (prior to printing) for approval no later than Tuesday, January 30 via email to the Industry Coordinator Diyana Yosifova at
- The bag insert should not exceed a double side of standard A4 dimensions.
- When promoting Sponsored Symposium, please include the following text: This session is not included in main event CME/CPD credit
- Requested quantity of inserts to be advised at a later stage. In addition to that, we recommend checking the latest registration numbers with the Industry Coordinator before printing.
Important notes regarding shipping of Bag Inserts:
- Merkur is the official logistic agent for the AD/PD™ 2024. To assure the safe and timely arrival of your inserts, we strongly recommend sending the Inserts via Merkur warehouse (fees will incur). Further details to be included in the Shipping Instructions.
- Inserts that do not arrive to the warehouse by February 20, will not be included in the Conference bag.
- Packages should be labeled (Label Bag Inserts) with the supporting company name, name of the responsible person (who will be onsite), and the name and date of the event. Please also make sure to state ‘Bag Inserts’ on all packages. This Label for Bag Inserts can be found in the Shipping Instructions.
- Supporters may deliver the Inserts directly to the venue door. Please note that all materials entering the venue incur a handling charge (including bag inserts and display items). No other company is permitted to deliver, operate, and handle goods inside the venue.
- Inserts that do not arrive to the venue by 09:00am on Monday, March 4, 2024 will not be included in the conference bag.
- Any deliveries made directly to the venue without going through the official logistics agent, will be at the supporter’s own risk. If they do not arrive on time or are mislaid, the Conference organisers and official logistics agent will not take any responsibility.